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MattIn Memory of Matt Ketterman

If you haven't caught on already, the town of Doxterity does not exist. It was a fictional place created in the imagination of Matt Ketterman and a few of his friends. Phrases, names, and just things Matt said were incorporated in to the town web site as part of an ongoing online gag, as a way of entertaining him while he was stationed in the Middle East.

His name (or variants of it) are used throughout the site. He didn't want to be directly identified, so some of the things he said were attributed to "K.C. Matthew." Other than a few things Matt actually wrote, everything about KC Matthew is fiction.

The town logo incorporates cowboy art Matt had on his wall, a phrase he made up "In Prior Doxitration," and a joke wand a friend made for him. Matt had a habit of saying "Hey!", which lead to hay bales in the logo, more hay comments, and a Hay Festival. Events from his life, comments he made, and emails he sent, all became continuing additions to the town.

Matt passed away on May 20, 2008. His friendship, humor and unique personality are all greatly missed.

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